Mobile frames rack: U-BOX: Motorised

Efficient storage and handling of heavy metal sheets or metal sheet rest pieces

  •  Automated mobile frames, creating an aisle when moved
  • Compact storage methode
  • Clear structure and overview of metal sheets and rest pieces
  • Only 1 person required for the handling
  • Time saving, less labour time needed
  • Safe and easy handling of the heavy metal sheets
  • Reduction of needed floor space
  • Cost reduction, less labour time needed
  • Metal sheets are almost directly accessible

This sheet rack is operated electrically or with a crank. Searching for a mobile sheet rack with manual operation? Then visit our page on mobile frame rack: manual operation.

Fast and easy access to your metal sheets, rest pieces and other sheet materials.

This motorised mobile frame rack is the most space-saving method when you want to store a bigger volume of heavy metal sheets. The mobile frame rack with automated electrical moving frames is compact and provides a good overview of all you metal sheets. The mobile frames are provided with wheels and a lever. By pulling the lever you can mark the position where the aisle should be created. The mobile frames are positioned on 2 parallel rails. The moving mobile frames create an aisle for easy access to the selected metal sheet. It's a safe and secure handling method.

For the control of the mobile frame rack, there are 2 possibilities:

- An entirely electrical system, where the frames slide open automatically after pushing the control button.

- A hydraulic method to move the frames with a crank. This model functions in the same manner as the electrical mobile drawer frames, but the electric box is replaced by a crank. (upgrade to electric version is possible)

If, however, you prefer a completely manual control, then visit our page about the Manual control.

Video: storage of heavy sheet metal in the mobile frames rack: U-box

U-box : storage of sheet metals of 6000 mm.

Specifications for storage of metal sheets in the motorised u-box

Sheet dimensions Type Length (a) Height (c) Loading space (w) Capacity drawer Quantity of drawers Rack width (b)
6000 x 2500 mm RMM 600 6230 mm 2200 mm 180 mm 6000 kg 10 - 35 3570 - 9195 mm
6000 x 2500 mm RMM 600 6230 mm 2200 mm 180 mm 12000 kg 10 - 35 3570 - 9195 mm

Hydraulic version with crank

The hydraulic version works with a crank to move the mobile frames. The mobile frames move on 2 parallel rails and create an aisle at the position you have selected by pressing the treadle.The frames will move to the end position when you rotate the crank. Then you can safely enter the aisle for easy handling.

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